Friday, January 20, 2017

Windows Engineer for the project located in Bratislava (4 000 EUR / month)

Start: ASAP, fulltime, on-site
Duration: 5 Months with possible prolongation
Place of work: Bratislava

- Identify and solve problems during the Datacenter movement
- Responsible for all change management in the environments 
- Define and execute work orders to implement changes related with project 
- Point of contact for the customer on the projects/tasks he is responsible for and providing consulting
- Root cause analysis in case of problems in Wintel infrastructure area, Active Directory, Virtualization  
- Deep-level troubleshooting in conjunction with vendor and third-party support within Windows Server, Active Directory services, File Service, Print Services
- Work on documentation, reporting and trend analysis
- Support of the Windows OS of the clients servers by complying with the ITIL standards
- Diagnose and remediate issues with Windows Server Infrastructure, and related roles and features, as well as other Microsoft and third-party Windows business infrastructure applications, while identifying recurring issues which can be remediated through automation

Friday, January 13, 2017


Vineri, 6 ianuarie a.c., Preşedintele României, domnul Klaus Iohannis, a semnat decretul pentru promulgarea Legii 1/2017 privind eliminarea unor taxe și tarife, precum şi pentru modificarea şi completarea unor acte normative.

Referitor la eliminarea taxelor consulare, Legea 1/2007 prevede la art. IX:
„În anexa la Legea nr. 198/2008 privind serviciile consulare pentru care se percep taxe şi nivelul taxelor consulare la misiunile diplomatice şi oficiile consulare ale României în străinătate, publicată în Monitorul Oficial al României, Partea I, nr. 728 din 28 octombrie 2008, cu modificările şi completările ulterioare, literele A punctele 1 si 2, C punctele 1-12, D si E punctele 4-8 se abroga.”